Saturday, October 31, 2009

Strike Notice by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Staff

Emai 9704053909


(AINVSA) (REGD 492/94)


Jagdish Rai, President: L.B.Reddy, General Secretary

JNV, Jiyanpur, Azamgarh(U.P) 276138 JNV, Mamnoor, Warangal,(A.P) 506166

F.No.AINVSA CEC/2009-2010/10-10/1 Date: 10-10-2009


The Hon’ble Minister for HRD,

Govt.of India

New Delhi,110001.

Sub: - 1. Introduction of GPF cum Pension Scheme to the employees of

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

2. 10% special allowance to the non-teaching staff of JNVs

-Notice on Strike-reg

Ref:-1.Earlier representations submitted to the MHRD

2. Representation of JAC dated 10-08-2009

3. Meeting held with Sri Kapil Sibalji on 10-08-2009

Respected Sir

Kindly refer to our representations submitted to the Ministry of HRD regarding implementation of GPF Cum Pension Scheme to the employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti,.The Joint Action Committee of various Associations/Forum had called on you on 10th August 2009 .Please recall the assurance your good self had given to us that the matter would be examined in detail with reference to the rationale behind the non introduction of GPF Cum Pension Scheme to the employees of NVS in spite of the fact that the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samti was established during 1985-86.The matter was also referred by many Members of Parliament. Yet no decision has been communicated.

I. The following facts justify our genuine demand for implementation of GPF Cum Pension Scheme.

1. While CPF Scheme was introduced in 1991, the employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti were not consulted and CPF was thrusted on the employees.

2. When the 4th Pay Commission Report which was accepted by the Govt of India had recommended to give an option to the employees to switch over from CPF to GPF scheme,the opportunity was not bestowed on employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

3. During 1995 when Chief Vigilance Officer of Ministry of HRD requested Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti to implement 1972 CCS Pension rules to the employees, the then officers ignored the direction(Refer:- D.O No C 33011/10/81-Vig dated 17-07-1995,31st August 1995,and even number dated 10th October 1995)

4. When employees of Similar Organizations like Kendriya Vidyalayas,Sainik Schools, Central Tibetan Schools are granted GPF Cum Pension Scheme to the employees who have joined prior to 01-01-2004, our legitimate right of social security of similar Pension Scheme has been denied .

5. Various Parliamentary Committees set up for examining the functioning of Navodaya Vidyalayas like 154th ,178th,198th have strongly recommended to introduce GPF Cum Pension Scheme to employees of NVS.

6. .The Parliamentary Committee Report on Navodaya Vidyalaya by Sri Y N Chathurvedi vehemently criticized the discriminative approach of the Govt by not giving Pension while the same was granted to the similar organizations under the same department.

7. Many institutions under MHRD viz ,IITs,IIMs,National Institute of Open Schools, Institutions under UGC,CBSE,NCERT etc have been granted with GPF Cum Pension Scheme.

8. In the recent order of Ministry of HRD vide letter NoF 4-26/97-UJ (A) dated 10th July 2009 issued by Director (HE) has granted GPF Cum Pension Scheme to the employees of 5 Inter-University Councils including National Assessment and Accreditation Council.

9. Employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti who have been representing on the issue for the last 2 decades are frustrated. The peaceful method of observing hunger work day on 5th September 2009 by the employees didn’t bring any change in the attitude of the administration or the Government. The teaching and non teaching staff of 576 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas across the country have been working almost for 18 hours a day without availing Sundays& holidays especially taking care of safety & security and education of students belonging to rural areas in the residential setup.


Consequent upon the recommendations of VI CPC, the teaching staff of Navodaya Vidyalayas have been sanctioned Special Allowance @ 10% of Basic Pay. However, the same has been denied to the non-teaching staff despite our oft-repeated demands. Time and again we brought to the notice of the concerned officers the special working conditions prevailing in the JNVs as a result of the unique residential nature of the vidyalayas and the need for identification of the workload thrust upon the non-teaching staff.

The non-teaching staff is also a part of our Residential System and they equally deserve the allowance granted to teaching staff. Along with the teaching staff, the non-teaching staff also stays on the same campus and discharges their duties right from 5:00 in the morning till 10:30 at night. They too work on all seven days of the week like the teaching staff. The duties of non-teaching are equally essential for the successful running of the Vidyalaya. The services of the teaching and non-teaching, thus, go hand in hand. Depriving the non-teaching staff of the special allowance is unjust. Even the VI CPC has rightly recognized the role played by all the staff in the residential system, not making any difference between the teaching and non-teaching staff.

In the light of the above, we humbly request you to review the decision taken earlier which has ignored the interests of the non-teaching staff and belittled their contribution, and initiate a suitable action in the direction of sanctioning Special Allowance to Non-teaching staff at the earliest.

The Joint Action Committee held at Chandigarh on 01-10-2009 has decided the following activities:-

1. To observe 2nd November to 7th November as Black badge Days to express our resentments by all the employees of 576 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, Regional Offices and Head Quarters office of NVS.

2. A mass rally will be held at Jantar Mantar ,New Delhi on 09-11-2009

3. A Token Strike will be observed on 16-11-2009 in all the 576 Vidyalayas, Regional Offices and Head Quarters office of NVS by all the employees including Officers & Principals.

Kindly consider this as a notice given by Joint Action Committee of Employees of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas &Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

We earnestly hope that the Government and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti will not drag us to a strike situation which we never prefer to and settle our Issues by giving top priority.

This is for your kind information and necessary action.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

Jagdish Rai L.B.Reddy

(President) (General Secretary)

Copy to:-

1. The Commissioner, NVS, New Delhi for information and necessary action.

2. The Secretary Ministry of HRD,Govt of India for information and necessary action

3. The Joint Commissioner(Admn), NVS New Delhi

4. The Deputy Commissioners NVSof all Regions.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First CEC meeting of ACTSWA on 30 th October in MUMBAI

The First CEC /General Body meeting of ACTSWA (Anushakti Central Schools and Junior Colleges Teachers' Welfare Association) is going to be held in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai on 30th and 31 st October 2009.
You all are requested to attend.
Pramod Tanpure (President)
D Seetharama (General Secretary)
(Please double-click the image to read the message)