Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sign this online application to arrest Geelani, Arundhati Roy and Others

This situation is intolerable that a group of the "so-called intellectuals" challenge the sovereignty of India in its Capital on the name of the Azadi of Kashmir.


Please sign this link to appeal to the Prime Minister of India to stop such Anti-national activities on the land of INDIA.
The General Secretary of DELTA has signed this petition on behalf of the Association too. The Signature number is 517 and click HERE to come together for a National Cause.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gujrat and Narendra Modi..UNITED NATIONS AWARD says something different

Gujrat and Narendra Modi...Na Mo....
This news says the truth about the People of GUJRAT.....
The Govt of Gujrat bagged UN Award for its better administration....!!!
(Please double click over the image of UN Certificate to see in large size)

Friday, October 15, 2010

We were the cause of non-stop telecast without advertisements on closing ceremony of CWG Games 2010

All common man of India watched non-stop telecast of closing ceremony of Commonwealth Games 2010 on Doordarshan on 14/10/2010.

We had played the main vital role in this non-stop telecast.
We had strongly opposed showing of advertisements during telecast of opening ceremony on 03/10/2010.

We started writing e-mails to all friends in our strong network to forward messages to all addresses of common people in their inbox and on social network sites like Twitter and Facebook.
You can see the messages posted by us on Facebook by this link

"Opening ceremony telecast of CWG 2010 was full of advertisements...crores of Indians were sitting before their TV sets but advertisements and breaks did total mood off. It is a National Shame...The event was viewed throughout the world.....Will India show advertisements of sanitary napkins and biscuits on the live telecast of Republic Day Parade also....It was the programme where the Hon'ble President and PM were present....Who directed DD to earn a few crores by this way in a total spent of 75000 crores in this Hulla Bulla, Ho Ho....Shame Shame....Thanking in advance if the same (Shame) will not be repeated in closing ceremony"...

We sent such mails to all noted journalists of country,TV channels,MPs and control room of Doordarshan on the same night of 03/10/2010.
We finished this work in three hours in night and this labour caused a cyclone of e-mails in this country for common cause. Next day some TV channels like CNN-IBN made it a news too.
The advertisements were causing 'irritations' to all common people of this country who had no money to sit in stadium.
It was not possible for all people to come to Delhi to view these programmes too. Obviously millions of people were sitting in front of television-sets throughout the globe but Doordarshan was causing 'interruptions' after getting (grabbing) telecasting rights of CWG 2010 from other TV channels.
The advertisements were causing 'permanent interruptions' as the 5-minutes lost were 'irreversible'.
Advertisements may be shown on telecast of films as it gets re-started from the same scene.

Advertisements can be shown on changeover of balls during cricket matches too but how these can be flashed during throw and hit of a ball by encroaching the rights of viewers.

How can the Doordarshan 'misuse' its telecasting rights by encroaching the rights of people to view non-stop relay of games.

Here the Doordarshan has encroached the rights of people by 'grabbing' rights for telecast of the events of CWG 2010.

It is a "breach of contract" too and why Doordarshan should not be blacklisted for all future telecasts???

The way of telecast by Doordarshan can be challenged in courts by PIL on this basis too.

You all have shown your potentials in national interest again...and ...again

CONGRATULATIONS...Young guys....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This platform is for views and articles from educationists

अनंत चतुर्दशी (१४ सितम्बर २००८) से हमने आपके लिए इस नए मंच को शुरू किया है जिसमें आप अपने विचारों को एक नई ऊँचाई दे सकेंगे। आप शिक्षाविद् समाज के सामने अपने विचार रखें जो केवल आपका अपना है, अपने परिवार की तरह। हमारा पूरा प्रयास, हमारी शुभकामनाएं आपके साथ हैं....
We are going to launch a new platform for you.This platform allows you to write about your views, hobbies, articles, stories, poems, style of living, style of teaching, scoring methods, thoughts, contribution to the society and many more. You all are requested to 'write us' to publish your mails on this page. Please co-operate us as only selected articles will be published.

You may use 'write us' page of DELTA or e-mail us. You may send your articles and videos in Hindi or English both.
Then start with your ideas now...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

पाँच पूत भारत माता के...

पाँच पूत भारतमाता के, दुश्मन था खूंखार
गोली खाकर एक मर गया,बाकी रह गये चार

चार पूत भारतमाता के, चारों चतुर-प्रवीन
देश-निकाला मिला एक को, बाकी रह गये तीन

तीन पूत भारतमाता के, लड़ने लग गये वो
अलग हो गया उधर एक, अब बाकी बच गये दो

दो बेटे भारतमाता के, छोड़ पुरानी टेक
चिपक गया है एक गद्दी से, बाकी बच गया एक

एक पूत भारतमाता का, कन्धे पर है झन्डा
पुलिस पकड कर जेल ले गई, बाकी बच गया अंडा

बाबा नागार्जुन

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ganga Bahti Ho Kyun........Bhupen Hazarika

DELTA is inviting BLOGS to advertise

We want to advertise your BLOGS freely. You all are requested to write us about your 'creations' with your details.

We will advertise your BLOGS on Main pages of DELTA in coming days.

Some good BLOGS suggested by us ......

1.The blog of PARDARSHITA whose efforts made it possible to implement many welfare schemes in schools

2.The blog useful for Navodaya teachers

3.The voice of AEES employees

4.A good Blog on Hindi Kavita by an Engineer of IIT, Kanpur