Article 21 A of Constitution states that “Every child between the ages of 6 to 14 years has the right to free and compulsory education.” Not only this RTE Act has also been enacted since 1st April 2010 and according to Section 3 (1) & 3(2) of Right to Education Act
Section 3(1)“Every child of age of six to fourteen years shall have a right to free and compulsory education in a neighborhood school till completion of elementary education”
Section 3(2)“no child shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him/her from pursuing and completing the elementary education”.
But surprisingly, government school Authorities, who are supposed to be aware of this Act, are not abiding by the same. Principals of Government Schools are collecting Rs 97 from the students of Class I to VIII in the name of Parents Teachers Association Fund and Pupil Welfare Fund. This is not one time collection but the students have to pay Rs 45 quarterly for pupil Welfare Fund
When such violations came to the notice of Pardarshita by the students, then more than 500 students were assisted by Pardarshita in raising their voice against violation. A complaint with the Delhi Govt. and Chairperson of NCPCR and DCPCR was filed. More than three months have been passed but no action by any of the authority has been taken so far. Therefore Pardarshita has filed a PIL in Delhi High Court with the help of Divya Jyoti Jaipuriar, Advocate HRLN for violation of RTE Act and today Hon’ble High Court has issued notice to Delhi Govt. in this matter.
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