Sunday, December 20, 2009
Navodaya Vidyalaya Teachers will boycott Board Exams
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Good book on RTI by Suchi Pandey
NFAIE working committee meeting on 16th & 17th Nov at MUMBAI
Monday, November 2, 2009
New Book of Mr Raj Kishore Sharma is released now
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thanks to JOSH for inviting us to work together

We got your reference from Hon'ble CIC and learned that you have been working on compliance to Section 4 of the RTI Act.
It is in this regard that we would like to invite you to a half day seminar on ‘RTI: New Dimensions in Effective Implementation and Reach’ to be held on 04.11.09 between 2:00-5:00 pm at Scope Complex, Lodhi Road.
The seminar is been organized by Rakshak Foundation, a group of young people, based in California and JOSH, working with young people across different colleges and Universities on issues of transparency and accountability using the Right to Information.
Mr. Shailesh Gandhi (Central Information Commissioner) and Ms. Aruna Roy (RTI activist and Magsasay Award Winner) have already confirmed their participation in the panel of this seminar.
The seminar will provide a platform to discuss the Right to Information Act, how it could be better implemented so most of the mandatory disclosers are put in the public domain i.e. proper implementation of the Section 4 of the RTI Act and how fee structure could be changed so that it can be properly used by the NRIs. Seminar sets up a stage for the public views, questions and answer and interactions with RTI activists, Central Information Commission and academicians.
Section 4 of the Right to Information Act, which lists 17 sub clauses obligates all public authorities to proactively disclose information about its functioning. According to the RTI Act all public authorities were supposed to have implemented Section 4 within 120 days from the enactment of the Act (which is by 12th of October 2005). Section 4 is an important provision of the RTI Act, as it requires categorization and cataloging of information, presenting information in a form such that it can be accessed easily by citizens, update the information provided at regular intervals and publish all information such that it is widely disseminated.
A one day seminar was organized to discuss and understand the different requirements under the Section 4 of the RTI Act by University of Delhi along with the Central Information Commission and JOSH on the 7th June 2009. The seminar was attended by the Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor and Registrar of University of Delhi along with Mr. Shailesh Gandhi (Central Information Commissioner), Ms. Aruna Roy (Social Activist) and Principals and Public Information Officers of 83 colleges/institutions under University of Delhi.
After this seminar, several follow-up letters have gone out to the different colleges/institutions under University of Delhi from the Central Information Commission, JOSH and University of Delhi. As a result of which some colleges have implemented Section 4 partly while the others still needs to comply with this provision of the RTI Act.
This seminar hopes to bring together people from different fields, committed to the issue of transparency and government officials to interact and understand the importance of effective implementation of all the transparency measure as per the RTI Act.
Hope you will accept our invitation and confirm your participation in the seminar so that we can make arrangements accordingly.
Date: 4th November, 2009
Venue: Tagore Hall, Scope Complex, near CGO Complex, 7 Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Timing: 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Thank you,
Saurabh Sharma/Aheli Chowdhury
Joint Operation for Social Help (JOSH)
C-7/E, DDA Flats, Munirka,
New Delhi. Pin Code: 110067
Phone: +91 11 26181427,
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Strike Notice by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Staff
Emai 9704053909
(AINVSA) (REGD 492/94)
Jagdish Rai, President: L.B.Reddy, General Secretary
JNV, Jiyanpur, Azamgarh(U.P) 276138 JNV, Mamnoor, Warangal,(A.P) 506166
F.No.AINVSA CEC/2009-2010/10-10/1 Date: 10-10-2009
The Hon’ble Minister for HRD,
Govt.of India
New Delhi,110001.
Sub: - 1. Introduction of GPF cum Pension Scheme to the employees of
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
2. 10% special allowance to the non-teaching staff of JNVs
-Notice on Strike-reg
Ref:-1.Earlier representations submitted to the MHRD
2. Representation of JAC dated 10-08-2009
3. Meeting held with Sri Kapil Sibalji on 10-08-2009
Respected Sir
Kindly refer to our representations submitted to the Ministry of HRD regarding implementation of GPF Cum Pension Scheme to the employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti,.The Joint Action Committee of various Associations/Forum had called on you on 10th August 2009 .Please recall the assurance your good self had given to us that the matter would be examined in detail with reference to the rationale behind the non introduction of GPF Cum Pension Scheme to the employees of NVS in spite of the fact that the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samti was established during 1985-86.The matter was also referred by many Members of Parliament. Yet no decision has been communicated.
I. The following facts justify our genuine demand for implementation of GPF Cum Pension Scheme.
1. While CPF Scheme was introduced in 1991, the employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti were not consulted and CPF was thrusted on the employees.
2. When the 4th Pay Commission Report which was accepted by the Govt of India had recommended to give an option to the employees to switch over from CPF to GPF scheme,the opportunity was not bestowed on employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
3. During 1995 when Chief Vigilance Officer of Ministry of HRD requested Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti to implement 1972 CCS Pension rules to the employees, the then officers ignored the direction(Refer:- D.O No C 33011/10/81-Vig dated 17-07-1995,31st August 1995,and even number dated 10th October 1995)
4. When employees of Similar Organizations like Kendriya Vidyalayas,Sainik Schools, Central Tibetan Schools are granted GPF Cum Pension Scheme to the employees who have joined prior to 01-01-2004, our legitimate right of social security of similar Pension Scheme has been denied .
5. Various Parliamentary Committees set up for examining the functioning of Navodaya Vidyalayas like 154th ,178th,198th have strongly recommended to introduce GPF Cum Pension Scheme to employees of NVS.
6. .The Parliamentary Committee Report on Navodaya Vidyalaya by Sri Y N Chathurvedi vehemently criticized the discriminative approach of the Govt by not giving Pension while the same was granted to the similar organizations under the same department.
7. Many institutions under MHRD viz ,IITs,IIMs,National Institute of Open Schools, Institutions under UGC,CBSE,NCERT etc have been granted with GPF Cum Pension Scheme.
8. In the recent order of Ministry of HRD vide letter NoF 4-26/97-UJ (A) dated 10th July 2009 issued by Director (HE) has granted GPF Cum Pension Scheme to the employees of 5 Inter-University Councils including National Assessment and Accreditation Council.
9. Employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti who have been representing on the issue for the last 2 decades are frustrated. The peaceful method of observing hunger work day on 5th September 2009 by the employees didn’t bring any change in the attitude of the administration or the Government. The teaching and non teaching staff of 576 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas across the country have been working almost for 18 hours a day without availing Sundays& holidays especially taking care of safety & security and education of students belonging to rural areas in the residential setup.
Consequent upon the recommendations of VI CPC, the teaching staff of Navodaya Vidyalayas have been sanctioned Special Allowance @ 10% of Basic Pay. However, the same has been denied to the non-teaching staff despite our oft-repeated demands. Time and again we brought to the notice of the concerned officers the special working conditions prevailing in the JNVs as a result of the unique residential nature of the vidyalayas and the need for identification of the workload thrust upon the non-teaching staff.
The non-teaching staff is also a part of our Residential System and they equally deserve the allowance granted to teaching staff. Along with the teaching staff, the non-teaching staff also stays on the same campus and discharges their duties right from 5:00 in the morning till 10:30 at night. They too work on all seven days of the week like the teaching staff. The duties of non-teaching are equally essential for the successful running of the Vidyalaya. The services of the teaching and non-teaching, thus, go hand in hand. Depriving the non-teaching staff of the special allowance is unjust. Even the VI CPC has rightly recognized the role played by all the staff in the residential system, not making any difference between the teaching and non-teaching staff.
In the light of the above, we humbly request you to review the decision taken earlier which has ignored the interests of the non-teaching staff and belittled their contribution, and initiate a suitable action in the direction of sanctioning Special Allowance to Non-teaching staff at the earliest.
The Joint Action Committee held at Chandigarh on 01-10-2009 has decided the following activities:-
1. To observe 2nd November to 7th November as Black badge Days to express our resentments by all the employees of 576 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, Regional Offices and Head Quarters office of NVS.
2. A mass rally will be held at Jantar Mantar ,New Delhi on 09-11-2009
3. A Token Strike will be observed on 16-11-2009 in all the 576 Vidyalayas, Regional Offices and Head Quarters office of NVS by all the employees including Officers & Principals.
Kindly consider this as a notice given by Joint Action Committee of Employees of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas &Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
We earnestly hope that the Government and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti will not drag us to a strike situation which we never prefer to and settle our Issues by giving top priority.
This is for your kind information and necessary action.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Jagdish Rai L.B.Reddy
(President) (General Secretary)
Copy to:-
1. The Commissioner, NVS, New Delhi for information and necessary action.
2. The Secretary Ministry of HRD,Govt of India for information and necessary action
3. The Joint Commissioner(Admn), NVS New Delhi
4. The Deputy Commissioners NVSof all Regions.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
First CEC meeting of ACTSWA on 30 th October in MUMBAI

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Congratulations on Grand Success and Co-operation
AINVSA (REGD 492/94)
Jagdish Rai, President:
JNV,Jiyanpur, Azamgarh,(U.P.)276138
L.B.Reddy, General Secretary
JNV, Mamnoor, Warangal,(A.P) 506166
F.No. AINVSA/CEC/2009-2010/08-06/24
8th June 2009
All the members of CEC,REC,SEC and Unit JNVs
Dear Friends,
Sub: Observing of hunger work day( 5-09-2009) on the call given by JAC –
hearty congratulations - reg:
We are immensely pleased at the rock success of the hunger workday observed at all the JNVs of the country. The call given by the JAC, today the 5th September,2009 viz, teachers day, as a mark of protest for the non-grant of CCS Pension 1972 to the staff of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti.
Reports are pouring in from all corners of the country regarding the successful observation of the hunger workday on teachers day today. We congratulate all the members of the CEC, REC and the unit JNVs for the tremendous success of the protest demonstrated by them. We also feel that success would not have come our way but for the united efforts of all the concern.
We exhort the need for waging united struggles in the coming days for pressing the most legitimate and genuine demand of CCS Pension 1972 to the staff of NVS. We hope that the staff will be united and are prepared to sacrifice their mite for the achievement of coveted goal of CCS Pesion 1972. Let us be prepared to demonstrate our oneness in the matter and open the eyes of government of India.
With Best Wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Jagdish Rai
Monday, August 31, 2009
Jawahar Noavodaya Vidyalaya Staff to observe Hunger Working Day
All the Vidyalaya units ,SECs/RECs Of AINVSA
Sub:-Observance of hunger working day on 05-09-2009 Regarding.
A Joint meeting of all the Associations/forums of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas & Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti was held on 09-08-2009 at New Delhi and decided to come together under the one umbrella to work unitedly for the welfare of all the employees. As a step towards to achieve CCS Pension.
The representatives of Joint Action Committee (JAC) met the Honorable Minister for HRD Sri. Kabil Sibalji on 10-08-2009. As a matter of entitlement those who have joined in Samiti prior to 01-01-2004 are entitled to get GPF cum Pension scheme.
The JAC has decided to observe 5th September (Teacher’s Day) as a ‘HUNGER WORK DAY’ by all the employees (both teaching & non teaching ) of all JNVs across the country and employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti to draw the attention and to open the eyes of authorities for dire necessity of introducing GPF cum Pension scheme to all the employees who joined prior to 01-01-2004.
All the units of AINVSA are hereby requested to observe HUNGER WORKING DAY as mentioned above.
Yours sincerely,
Jagdish Rai L.B.Reddy
Saturday, May 9, 2009
चूहा और किसान

मगर किसान फिर भी प्रति वर्ष नई फसल लगाता ही रहता है। कभी चूहों से परेशान होकर अपना काम बंद करता है क्या ?
दूसरी तरफ़ कमजोर से लगने वाले,निरीह, लिजलिजे से बेचारे केंचुए भी होते हैं जो चुपचाप कड़ी मेहनत करते रहते हैं और गहरी खुदाई करके उपजाऊ मिटटी को नीचे से निकाल- निकालकर किसानों को सहायता पहुँचाते रहते हैं।
साथियों, शिक्षक समाज के बीच संगठन का काम करने वाले लोगों की हालत ठीक एक किसान की तरह होती है। अपनी पाई- पाई बचा कर, धूप और कडाके की ठण्ड में भी, हर मुसीबत का सामना करते हुए किसान फसल लगाते रहते है और फ्री का माल उडाने वाले मुफ्तखोर चूहे किसानों का एहसान मानना तो दूर फसल को नुकसान पहुंचाने की हर सम्भव कोशिश करते ही रहते हैं। ऐसे शिक्षकों की कमी नहीं है जो मुफ्तखोर हैं, परजीवी और लालची, चूहों की मानसिकता वाले, कायर और केवल शिकायत करके रोते रहने वाले। ये संगठन का काम नहीं कर सकते उल्टे नुकसान जरूर पहुंचाते रहते हैं। मगर फिर भी किसानों को अपना काम करते रहना होता है। आप सभी एक अच्छे किसान की तरह अपने मिशन में लगे रहें। आपको अधिक से अधिक केंचुओं की सहायता भी मिलेगी। किसानों की फसल तो हर हाल में लगती ही रहेगी चाहे चूहे कितने भी हो जायें।
तनवीर आलम,
मालवीयनगर, नयी दिल्ली
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas in India, the inside story...

Much endeavours have been put by persons like you all in the progress of the country. May I have the privilege to shed some light on the problems of the staff of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) in the country. There are approximately 575 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas in India.There are 8 Regional Offices in the country to run and administer these Vidyalayas, and the Head Quarter is at New Delhi named ‘NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI (N.V.S).This NVS runs directly under ‘H.R.D.Ministry’. The major aim of these Vidyalayas is to provide free schooling ,boarding and lodging, to the talented rural poor children in the country. The staff of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas have been materializing those dreams…by bringing the top results in CBSE Board exams. Navodayas have fared better than Kendriya Vidyalayas and Public Schools in the country, as far as CBSE X and XII Board results are concerned. The credit goes exclusively to the staff, especially the teaching staff. But ,are they satisfied or feeling elated on their achievements.??. The answer is No!. Certainly not.!! And the reason is poor working conditions., doing other duties apart from teaching, and the unfixed duty hours :18 hours or so. There is no centralized rules or time schedule for the staff working in these Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs). ONE OF THE MAJOR PROBLEM--- DICTATORSHIP BY THE PRINCIPAL IN ALMOST ALL VIDYALAYAS AND REGIONAL OFFICES (ROs) SUPPORT FOR THE SAME.
1).There has been much inhumane treatment meted out to the staff by the almost all the Navodaya Vidyalayas. If anyone approaches the ‘grievance cell’ than he is looked upon with vengeance by the complete Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. Let alone ‘grievance cell’, even people seeking answers by ‘ RTI’ have been indirectly threatened of dire consequences.
2) The Principal in most of the Vidyalayas assigns work to the staff which is not instructed by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) Hqrs or the Regional Office. If the employee asks a written direction from the Principal to that effect or refuses to do the work which he thinks doesn’t come under his purview , much conspiracy is done against him.
3)The staff is convinced to give in writing against such persons., which he keeps with himself., without any inward letter number.
4) In most of the Vidyalayas, the Principal put false allegations against the employee who is not sycophant, and makes all the staff sign on a single piece of paper. Joint representation is subversive of discipline as per the Service Rules and CCS(Conduct Rules)1965, but the higher authorities such as Assisstant Commissioners(A.C s)and the Deputy Commissioners(D.Cs) of the Regional Offices don’t take any actions against such activities done by the Principal. On the contrary, issue transfer orders or attachments to that effect ,on the basis of these joint representations : the manipulated ones.
5)The Regional Office authorities don’t listen to the staff grievances. They come only once or twice in the year for academic purpose. They intimidate the staff for results: are only exam oriented; but unconcerned about the Vidylalaya Management. If any employee dares to say of the situation prevailing in the Vidyalaya then the authorities don’t heed to his problem but on the contrary say that it is their lookout and the employee need not worry about improving the Principal.
6)The higher authorities who really want to improve Navodayas, on the other hand, are unaware of this situation and the manipulations and conspiracies done by the Principals and Deputy Commissioners(D.Cs) of the Regional Offices jointly. The D.Cs blindly support the Principals, especially if they are of the same caste or states. They never try to inquire whether the scenario as expressed by a staff of the Vidyalaya prevails there or not. They only suppress that employee on the other hand, and the staff learn from this that they should never complain against the Principal come what may, leading to inhumane treatment by the Principal towards staff.
7) The Principal calls upon a meeting at his will, without any agenda…at any odd hour of the day। The meeting goes on for long hours without any gravity of the purpose.
8) He is at his will to come any time of the day to the office. Most of the Principals are not present in the school assemblies. Attend the office for two hours or so and are found in their residence most of the time with the pretext that are on field work. A teacher each day does the role of Duty Master(M.O.D) ie takes round throughout the campus the complete day observing things, in other words, does the role of a Principal for that day. While the Principal sits at home and gets report at the end of the day. He forces and makes changes as he wishes in the M.O.D Report, taking vengeance on them those who don’t espouse these sort of manipulations.
9) Its found that most of the Principals are given to using unparliamentary language with the staff. They raise their voice in the meeting and have no logical rationale point to their assertion. On the contrary lodge false F.I.Rs against a targeted staff, intimidating the whole staff as false witnesses, alleging that the said non-compliant staff tried to manhandle him.
10) The Principals are unable to maintain the infrastructure of the Vidyalayas. They have only been used to threaten the staff but are incapable of making the D staff work properly. Consequently, the House Washrooms(lavatories) , academic blocks have remained untidy. In many of the Vidyalayas the workers are utilized by the Principals in their residences most of the time, at the cost of students’ cleanliness. Some indispensable workers such as the Electricians and Plumbers are ,too, unavailable. When the same is pointed out by some audacious ones on the arrival of superiors, they defend these Principals saying that if some school workers work in the Principal’s residence whats harming you. They may or may not be aware that Navodayas lack peons., but Principals have been providing themselves orderlies ,though not entitled, at school’s cost.
11) To make matters worse, manipulations and conspiracy prevails in most of the Vidyalayas. The Principals provide some extra benefits to some of the employee such as conducting Tution classes in the campus in the name of extra coaching. Providing Private tution class people a chance to come to the Vidyalyas for canvassing the students and perhaps taking commissions too.
12)A few of the employee in most of the Vidyalayas have their home postings. In other words they are doing service at their home-districts. The Principal takes full advantage of the situation and exploits them. He makes them write against any of the staff at his will. These employees are blackmailed and threatened of transfers. They have been pressurized to sign on fraud bills too ,and help the Principals in corruption. Some of the Principals are given to taking bribe from the suppliers; connive with the Cook or Catering Assistants in misappropriating the fund arrived for ‘Mess’ purpose.
13) Girls case and Financial case are the two cases that these Principals use against the non-deterrent staff. He with the help of House Mistress and sometimes with the help of some teachers force girl-students to complain against some male teachers who don’t comply to his maladministration.The copies of these allegations are not given at the time of inquiry too. These papers coerced to write, are kept with the Principals beforehand, to be produced at the time of inquiry only, giving a surprise to the revolutionary staff. The higher authorities such as D.Cs connive to such efforts. Unofficial cellphone talks, Demo-Official letters are carried out between the D.Cs and the Principals : how to hook the employee who prohibits the Principal from carrying out maladministration and mismanagement in the Vidyalayas.
14)How many suspensions, attachments, transfers in the name of public interest have been carried out during the running sessions just to intimidate the staff from reporting the malpractices carried out in the Vidyalayas.? A RTI should be asked on this.
15) How many letters of staff have been received by the Principal through office.?? If through RTI this is asked then the Samaritans would be surprised to know that the Principal does not allow his staff to write applications, letters to him stating their problems or grievances. If any employee dares to do so through proper channel, then he is called up and pressurized, threatened, coerced blackmailed to withdraw the same.
16) All letters should first come in the office and then after being inwarded should reach the Principal’s chamber. But the Principals show a red-eye to the staff who submits a written grievance or request to the Principal via office after getting an inward letter number. He rebukes and reprimands the employee if he tries to give his displeasure or problems in writing., especially inwarded by office The Principals tear off the letters of the employee at his will .He tampers with all office documents. The Personal File, Service Book etc are kept with him instead of keeping in the Office of Superintendent/UDC. The Principal doesn’t acknowledge custody of official papers and aforesaid document and materials, and conspires against the official staff if any office staff dares to improve him. He puts allegation on the office staff in the Vidyalaya of missing some inwarded letters and documents etc which he had procured for reference. Puts allegation of negligence and coerce the teaching staff to give in writing of the non-cooperation of the office staff., sometimes collectively, backdated, antedated joint- representations on the same paper, on the same day and the like. If the employees are called separately and asked individually in ‘chamber inquiry’, then it would deduce that they were all pressurized to do so, against their will.
17)If any letter of complaint is received from the parent ,guardian or any outsider, then the staff are forced and called upon to write against them. The complete staff and sometimes all parents are forced to write in favour of the Principal and the school. These letters are accumulated and sent as answers to nullify the complaints..The higher authorites of NVS are unable to perceive these manipulations and fabrications or are simply guiding them to do the same.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours faithfully
on behalf of all victims
P.S : This letter is only to sensitise you all and ask for help.The facts mentioned are true and in vogue in major Vidyalayas. Please don’t take this letter as of any mild nature… as the situation is grave in most of the Vidyalayas.Some staff in some of the Vidyalaya are even on the brink of committing sucides due to Principal’s prolonged torture. More and more F.I.Rs, Court Cases, ,Service dropouts are occuring in the Vidyalayas…
Saturday, March 7, 2009
इनके हिस्से की रोशनी कौन देगा...

Sunday, February 1, 2009
शिक्षकों के साथ सबसे बड़ा धोखा.....
हर व्यक्ति को 10-20 लाख का नुकसान...
The facility of 10-days Earned Leave has been
scrapped from now and we all are in great loss....
महिला कर्मचारियों के लिए चाइल्ड केयर लीव के साथ शर्त जोड़ दी कि पहले सारे अर्जित अवकाश ख़त्म कर लो...
Take child care leave but first loose all your Earned Leaves of lakhs of ruppees....
आप इस वेबसाइट का 'links' (लिंक) नामक पेज पढें...
Monday, January 26, 2009
जय हिंद, जय भारत

कहने को तो बहुत कुछ है पर इतना तो जरूर कहना चाहेंगे हम कि पूरे विश्व को जिस मिट्टी ने लोकतंत्र का पाठ पढाया वहां की एक निष्पक्ष विवेचना जरूर हो कि उस जगह पर अब लोकतंत्र की हालत कैसी है .... कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं कि हम लोकतंत्र गढ़ते तो जरूर हैं मगर उसकी देखभाल के लिए उसके नागरिकों में जिस जीवन्तता की जरूरत होती है वो कहीं ना कहीं खो जाती है...
Monday, January 5, 2009
ऐसे लोगों पर हमें गर्व है

उनकी मौत से उनके परिवार पर मानो कहर टूट पड़ा। दुःख की घड़ी में भी उनकी पत्नी स्नेह गुप्ता तथा उनके जेठ विनोद गुप्ता ने सुबोध की आँखें, गुर्दे तथा जिगर को किसी जरूरतमंद को दान करने का अत्यन्त साहसिक निर्णय लिया। डॉक्टर भी उनके इस कदम की प्रशंसा किए बिना नहीं रह सके। स्नेह गुप्ता पेशे से शिक्षक हैं और उनके ससुर राजकुमार गुप्ता भी अध्यापक थे जो अब रिटायर्ड हो चुके हैं।
स्नेह गुप्ता जी और उनके परिवार ने हम सभी शिक्षकों का सर गर्व से ऊँचा कर दिया है।
हम शिक्षकों को ऐसी ही मिसाल समाज में कायम करनी चाहिए.....
सौजन्य-रीना डंडरियाल, गुडगाँव, हरियाणा