In the month of May’10 many parents of New Seema Puri approached with written request to Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya (SKV), New Seema Puri for the admission of their children. The Vice Principal of SKV denied admission in written to these children stating that there is no seat available in the school, therefore admission cannot be given.
The Right to Education Act 2009 implemented since 1st April’10 and despite of RTE Act which ensures the free & compulsory Elementary Education, therefore now it’s the right of every child to get admission in school. A Commission in Delhi has also been set up under the Act for ensuring the rights of children, so it is the responsibility of the Delhi Commission for Protection of Childs Rights to ensure the admission of the children in school.
A complaint was filed with Delhi Commission for Protection of Childs Rights (DCPCR) regarding the written denial for the admission of these children by the vice principal of the school. The DCPCR directed the Directorate of Education to admit these children otherwise action will be taken against Department.
But it is extremely surprising after 4 months DCPCR has sent a letter dated 1st Sep’10 stating that “admission to these children cannot be given in SKV New Seema Puri, because of non availability of seats in the school, therefore the parent of these children are advised to take admission in other neighborhood school.”
However the fact is that in this SKV, New Seema Puri there are 60-80 students are studying in a single section of many classes.
As DCPCR has passed 4 months and now the admissions are closed, so where these children will study. In such situation questions arise:
For whom this Commission is functioning GOVERNMENT or CHILDREN?
Is this Commission bound to work under pressure of the Government?
Are the appointments being made just to oblige the people who are closer to the Government?
Who is responsible for spoiling one year of these children?
How one year will be compensated for their loss?
Rajiv Kumar
F-185,186 New Seema Puri
Ph: 01122356476, 9899358835
The Right to Education Act 2009 implemented since 1st April’10 and despite of RTE Act which ensures the free & compulsory Elementary Education, therefore now it’s the right of every child to get admission in school. A Commission in Delhi has also been set up under the Act for ensuring the rights of children, so it is the responsibility of the Delhi Commission for Protection of Childs Rights to ensure the admission of the children in school.
A complaint was filed with Delhi Commission for Protection of Childs Rights (DCPCR) regarding the written denial for the admission of these children by the vice principal of the school. The DCPCR directed the Directorate of Education to admit these children otherwise action will be taken against Department.
But it is extremely surprising after 4 months DCPCR has sent a letter dated 1st Sep’10 stating that “admission to these children cannot be given in SKV New Seema Puri, because of non availability of seats in the school, therefore the parent of these children are advised to take admission in other neighborhood school.”
However the fact is that in this SKV, New Seema Puri there are 60-80 students are studying in a single section of many classes.
As DCPCR has passed 4 months and now the admissions are closed, so where these children will study. In such situation questions arise:
For whom this Commission is functioning GOVERNMENT or CHILDREN?
Is this Commission bound to work under pressure of the Government?
Are the appointments being made just to oblige the people who are closer to the Government?
Who is responsible for spoiling one year of these children?
How one year will be compensated for their loss?
Rajiv Kumar
F-185,186 New Seema Puri
Ph: 01122356476, 9899358835
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