Dear Madan Mohan Tiwari
General Secretary (DELTA)
It has been a long time since you have received any news from Sakshi. We appreciate that you still have given your support to the cause of clean governance. We have spent a long time wondering if the battle for a clean working government could be achieved by RTI alone. Essentially we felt that the standard RTI approach itself was based on negativity and suspicion of people in our government. While this might be largely true but there some exceptional exceptions.
We have therefore another approach let us look at the bureaucracy as our servant or as dog who we have bought home to serve and protect us. In this context the indian bureaucracy is like servant who gets food whether it works or not and when given an opportunity it steals our food also. When given an opportunity we use RTI and other anti corruption measures to kick it. We use the media, facebook and letters to the editors to curse it.
We request you step back and see if this is how we want to train the dog who is to serve us. Only kicking and cursing it will not work we need to give it love and recognition too but at the times when it demonstrates the right behavior. Believe me there are plenty of opportunities where honest officers have gone beyond their call of duty to serve us with great diligence.
We need you as citizen of this great country to change our approach to fighting corruption why not recognize and appreciate good work done by government officials. Trust when such recognition is received such an officer ethics and desire to serve diligently will be further strengthened and they will go on set and example to thier not so diligent colleagues.
Today we want you to buy a simple post card of Rs.2 and post the card with a note of appreciation of Superintendent of police Mrs.Kalpana Saxena who on her rounds found three police constables extorting money from truck drivers. She chased them and held onto the window of their jeep and was dragged 1 KM along with their escaping vehicle.
For more details click here
Come on India when people like her exists all is not lost. Fight corruption with encouragement say thank you to such officers and create more of them.
Please feel free to send your thank you to
Kalpana Saxena
Superintendent of Police (Traffic)
India (IN), Pin Code:- 243001
Thank you for helping us create better India.
Cyriac Joseph
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