Wednesday, September 29, 2010
We want a fixation benefit for Puducherry Teachers under FR 22 (1)(a)(1)
1. Letter F.No 12-10/2001-UT-1 dated 29.09.2009 of the Ministry Of HRD, Department of School Education & Literacy,New Delhi.
We are to state that the Department of School Education & Literacy of the Ministry Of HRD ,New Delhi had vide letter cited clarified that the pay of teachers in Senior /Selection Scale ,on grant of ACP shall be fixed with reference to the pay so fixed in the Entry /Senior Grade ,as the case may be and that the fall in pay, if any ,resulted in such fixation may be protected by granting personal pay adjusted future increments.
On calculation on paper there is a heavy monetary loss @5oo/-per month for 5 years from 9.8.99 despite the pay protection.This is nothing but INDIRECT recovery of benefits accrued thro’ a scheme i.e conferment of senior scale. This is totally in violation of the clarification already given at 47 of ACP scheme by DOPT and against the judgment pronounced by Supreme court in Tulsidas (Andrepradesh)case
2. in this connection ,we would like to invite your kind attention that the fixation of pay of Teachers drawing senior scale/selection scale ,on grant of financial l up gradation under ACPS,at the entry scale as on 09.08.1999 would not be consistent with the clarification No.47 under ACPS as the MHRD clarification negates the benefits of Senior /Selection scale enjoyed by the Teachers prior 09.08.1999 under a different scheme.
3. But ,the present clarification issued vide letter cited reiterates the same negation which will be detrimental to the interest of the serving teachers in as much as the proposed fixation of pay under ACPS will be regressive in nature, in as much as the teachers salary will be frozen as on the date of fixation for many years in the name of implementation of the ACP scheme. This cannot be the object of the ACP scheme as it is aimed at Career Progression and not career freeze or career regression
4. In this connection we would like to state that since the ACP scheme is only a switch over from the earlier scheme of senior/Selection scale from 09.08.1999 in view of better prospects under ACP scheme and on the grand that both the scheme of time –bound promotion under the earlier scheme of Senior/Selection Scale regime or ACPS cannot run concurrently, this clarification issued order letter cited of the Department of Education & Literacy does not seem to be consistent with the objectiveof the ACP scheme and therefore ,not in order.
5. We state that when the benefits under senior /selection scale are negated while switching over to the ACP scheme on 09.08.1999 ,the fixation of pay of those teachers on selection scale with reference to pay so fixed in the senior grade (Scale ) as clarified at MHRD/DOPT end would also not be in order ,it seems.
6. As the financial up gradation under ACPS has to be granted in the hierarchy without negating the benefits of scheme enjoyed prior to 09.08.1999 ,we consider that it is necessary that the teachers in the enjoyment of Senior Scale /selection scale have to be allowed the fixation under FR 22 (1) (a) (1) on senior scale and selection scale respectively as on 09.08.1999 as hierarchy promotion is not merely the higher pay scale attached to the promotion post but it is also inclusive of fixation benefit accruing under FR 22 (1) (a) (1) to treat the senior scale and selection scale as first and second financial upgradation under ACP scheme.
7. We would ,therefore, like to interview on the issue in detail , associating the concerned authorities from the DOPT to find a just and lasting solution to the pending vexed issued which is being eagerly awaited by the retiring and retired teachers since 1999.
8. We look forward to your early reply.
General Secretary,
Headmasters (Primary,GrI &GrII)Association,
Mob- 09443360007
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
हम पाकिस्तानी हैं, पाकिस्तान हमारा है....
ज़रा इनको भी पहचानिए, ये कश्मीर के नेता हैं... गिलानी
21 st October 2010
A shoe was thrown on Geelani in New Delhi
Please click this link
ये डॉक्टर केवल हिन्दुस्तानी हैं...ना कश्मीरी, ना पाकिस्तानी

During a regular check-up doctors discovered that Geelani's "only kidney has developed malignancy".[15] An infection forced doctors, four years ago, to remove his left kidney. Although the cancer was in its early stages, it was life threatening, and he needed to have surgery. Following the advice of his doctors at Apollo Hospital, Geelani was set to travel to either the UK or the USA for specialized treatment.[16] However his request for a visa was turned down by the Americans, and as his health deteriorated he went to Mumbai for surgery. Doctors at the Tata Memorial Hospital successfully performed surgery on his kidney.[17] The reason given by the U.S. for turning down Geelani's request for a visa was, that he has" failed to renounce violence". This decision was declared a violation of his human rights by his supporters and family.[11].
(excerpts from )
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
रोटी और संसद.... कवि धूमिल
एक आदमी रोटी बेलता है,
एक आदमी रोटी खाता है,
एक तीसरा आदमी भी है,
जो न रोटी बेलता है,
न रोटी खाता है,
वह सिर्फ रोटी से खेलता है।
मैं पूछता हूँ,
यह तीसरा आदमी कौन है,
मेरे देश की संसद मौन है.....
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
In memory of war heroes.....

"We arrested Shiva Solanki while he was on his way to Mumbai," said Police Crime Branch Chief Mohan Jha.
Jethwa had filed a Public Interest Litigation against illegal mining in Gir forest region in High Court few days before he was shot dead from close range by two unknown motorcycle-borne assailants near the Gujarat High Court on July 20.
His father Bhikabhai Jethwa had alleged that the BJP MP from Junagarh was behind murder of his son.
Shiva Solanki's role in the murder was under the scanner of the city crime branch, after one of the accused arrested in the case revealed his involvement.
Last month, police arrested a constable Bahadursinh Dhirubha Wadher from Junagadh district and one Sanjay Chauhan in connection with the murder.
A couple of days later, Pachan Shiva, one of the two motorcycle-borne assailants who had shot Jethwa on the night of July 20 this year was also arrested.
Bhikabhai Jethwa had earlier alleged that BJP MP Dinu Solanki was behind the killing of his son, and had also threatened him over telephone several times in the past.
Read more at:
A tribute to Amit Jethwa....

The needle of suspicion point towards criminal gangs in Saurashtra and the Ahmedabad police will shortly leave for Junagadh for investigations.
Amit Jethwa’s murder has once again brought into sharp focus the obstacles in successfully implementing a legislation that was meant to expose corruption in the government.
The main hurdle seems to be the issue of RTI activists facing a threat to their lives.
Amit Jethwa, who was shot dead by unknown assailants on Tuesday evening, was trying to expose the nexus between officials, politicians and the mining mafia in Gujarat. His family has accused a BJP MLA of having a hand in the killing. (Read: RTI activist’s murder: Family accuses BJP MP)
Speaking to NDTV, National Advisory Council (NAC) member and activist Aruna Roy, who campaigned hard for the Right to Information Act, says whistleblowers face the biggest threat from the nexus between corrupt officials and the mafia.
“Actually you see the RTI works within the system of governance. So what should protect them is the regulatory systems which operate within government…the regulatory mechanisms which operate within government. It is also the administrative missionary that operates within government. Because very often it is that part of the government which is malfunctioning, which is threatened to be exposed, which is hand-in-glove with the mafia and then proceeds to take these kinds of horrendous steps to still voices of protest,” said Aruna Roy.
She also added that the NAC will take up the roadblocks in RTI.
“Actually the NAC in its first meeting decided that it would also look at the implementation of the flagship programs of UPA 1. So whether it is the Forest Bill or the RTI or the NREGA, these various acts will be covered under the general work of the NAC. So we will at some point of time take up RTI…the roadblocks in RTI.”
Sunday, September 5, 2010
DCPCR working under pressure of Delhi Government

The Right to Education Act 2009 implemented since 1st April’10 and despite of RTE Act which ensures the free & compulsory Elementary Education, therefore now it’s the right of every child to get admission in school. A Commission in Delhi has also been set up under the Act for ensuring the rights of children, so it is the responsibility of the Delhi Commission for Protection of Childs Rights to ensure the admission of the children in school.
A complaint was filed with Delhi Commission for Protection of Childs Rights (DCPCR) regarding the written denial for the admission of these children by the vice principal of the school. The DCPCR directed the Directorate of Education to admit these children otherwise action will be taken against Department.
But it is extremely surprising after 4 months DCPCR has sent a letter dated 1st Sep’10 stating that “admission to these children cannot be given in SKV New Seema Puri, because of non availability of seats in the school, therefore the parent of these children are advised to take admission in other neighborhood school.”
However the fact is that in this SKV, New Seema Puri there are 60-80 students are studying in a single section of many classes.
As DCPCR has passed 4 months and now the admissions are closed, so where these children will study. In such situation questions arise:
For whom this Commission is functioning GOVERNMENT or CHILDREN?
Is this Commission bound to work under pressure of the Government?
Are the appointments being made just to oblige the people who are closer to the Government?
Who is responsible for spoiling one year of these children?
How one year will be compensated for their loss?
Rajiv Kumar
F-185,186 New Seema Puri
Ph: 01122356476, 9899358835
Saturday, September 4, 2010
We like to salute such Brave and Honest officers

Dear Madan Mohan Tiwari
General Secretary (DELTA)
It has been a long time since you have received any news from Sakshi. We appreciate that you still have given your support to the cause of clean governance. We have spent a long time wondering if the battle for a clean working government could be achieved by RTI alone. Essentially we felt that the standard RTI approach itself was based on negativity and suspicion of people in our government. While this might be largely true but there some exceptional exceptions.
We have therefore another approach let us look at the bureaucracy as our servant or as dog who we have bought home to serve and protect us. In this context the indian bureaucracy is like servant who gets food whether it works or not and when given an opportunity it steals our food also. When given an opportunity we use RTI and other anti corruption measures to kick it. We use the media, facebook and letters to the editors to curse it.
We request you step back and see if this is how we want to train the dog who is to serve us. Only kicking and cursing it will not work we need to give it love and recognition too but at the times when it demonstrates the right behavior. Believe me there are plenty of opportunities where honest officers have gone beyond their call of duty to serve us with great diligence.
We need you as citizen of this great country to change our approach to fighting corruption why not recognize and appreciate good work done by government officials. Trust when such recognition is received such an officer ethics and desire to serve diligently will be further strengthened and they will go on set and example to thier not so diligent colleagues.
Today we want you to buy a simple post card of Rs.2 and post the card with a note of appreciation of Superintendent of police Mrs.Kalpana Saxena who on her rounds found three police constables extorting money from truck drivers. She chased them and held onto the window of their jeep and was dragged 1 KM along with their escaping vehicle.
For more details click here
Come on India when people like her exists all is not lost. Fight corruption with encouragement say thank you to such officers and create more of them.
Please feel free to send your thank you to
Kalpana Saxena
Superintendent of Police (Traffic)
India (IN), Pin Code:- 243001
Thank you for helping us create better India.
Cyriac Joseph